La Foret

Terms and Conditions


  1. These terms and conditions apply to all quotations and sales agreements. By placing an order, the customer/customer acknowledges and accepts these terms and conditions and thereby waives any existing general terms and conditions without any reservation. Deviations or additional stipulations only apply if they have been agreed in writing.
  2. The prices stated in the catalog are target prices valid at the time the catalog is printed. They may change during the useful life of this document. The prices are exclusive of VAT.
  3. Subject to express written agreement, the delivery times are indicative. Exceeding the delivery period for whatever reason or for whatever reason does not entitle the customer to claim the dissolution of the agreement or any compensation. However, the customer is entitled within a period of 30 days after the expiry of the period specified on the order form or in the agreement, subject to notification by registered letter, to consider the agreement as dissolved with regard to that part of the merchandise that has not been delivered. without being able to claim any compensation. If, after the order has been accepted, delivery cannot take place due to force majeure, the seller/supplier will inform the customer/buyer of this. Force majeure is understood to mean the impossibility of fulfilling an obligation within the meaning of the law and jurisprudence; this should also include the unavailability of the ordered merchandise.
  4. The order will only be executed insofar as stocks last. Delivery is free or cash on delivery in accordance with the agreement made in this regard. With an order of less than 48 bottles of 0.75 l or 36 l, a surcharge of 15 euros will be charged. The customer will ensure sufficient unloading and storage facilities and the shortest possible waiting time for delivery.
  5. Under penalty of forfeiture or inadmissibility, any complaints must be made by registered letter within 8 days of delivery. However, any complaints do not suspend the payment obligation. If the delivered merchandise does not correspond to the order, the seller/supplier will, upon a written request made by the buyer/customer within 8 days after delivery, take it back and replace it, without being obliged to pay compensation or any other obligation. to be. Except in the case of fraud or intentional act, the seller/supplier is not liable for any damage on account of or caused by the delivery, transport, storage, use, quality and shelf life of the merchandise.
  6. The invoices are payable in Antwerp within the term stated on the invoice. In the event of late payment, interest of 10% per annum will be due by operation of law or without any notice of default. In the absence of payment within a period of 8 days after receipt of a registered letter, fax or e-mail to that effect, a fixed compensation of 10% on all outstanding amounts, with a minimum of 200 EUR. In such a case, the invoices or amounts due that have not yet expired will also become immediately due and payable. Finally, the seller/supplier reserves the right to suspend any (subsequent) delivery until the full payment of all outstanding invoices and the associated costs.
  7. Subject to legal formalities, the delivered merchandise remains the property of the seller/supplier until full payment by the customer/buyer of all that is due, including the price, costs, interest and any damages . Nevertheless, the risks of loss or destruction of the merchandise will be fully borne by the customer from the moment the merchandise is delivered to him. Until the ownership of the merchandise has effectively been transferred to the customer/buyer, (i) the customer/buyer is expressly prohibited from using the merchandise as a means of payment, pledging it or encumbering it with any other security right; (ii) the customer shall place a mark on the merchandise which clearly and legibly indicates that the merchandise remains the property of the seller/supplier. The customer/purchaser undertakes to inform the seller/supplier immediately by registered letter of any seizure of the merchandise by a third party. However, the seller/supplier reserves the right to refuse the repossession, in whole or in part, if the delivered merchandise is no longer in its original, good and consumable condition and in that case to claim the sums owed to it, without prejudice to its right to compensation. The customer/purchaser undertakes to inform the seller/supplier immediately by registered letter of any seizure of the merchandise by a third party. However, the seller/supplier reserves the right to refuse the repossession, in whole or in part, if the delivered merchandise is no longer in its original, good and consumable condition and in that case to claim the sums owed to it, without prejudice to its right to compensation. The customer/purchaser undertakes to inform the seller/supplier immediately by registered letter of any seizure of the merchandise by a third party. However, the seller/supplier reserves the right to refuse the repossession, in whole or in part, if the delivered merchandise is no longer in its original, good and consumable condition and in that case to claim the sums owed to it, without prejudice to its right to compensation.
  8. In the event of a dispute, of whatever nature or from whatever cause, Belgian law will apply and only the commercial court in Antwerp, Antwerp division, will have jurisdiction.

